FormSprint by ICS

Tax Forms

W2, 1099 and Other Tax Forms

FormSprint takes the pain out of printing W2s, 1099s and other tax forms. Preprinted tax forms are difficult to get lined up correctly on the printer. Often the third and fourth copies of preprinted tax forms printed on an impact printer are impossible to read. By the time the inevitable reprints for lost W2s and 1099s are handled, a fair amount of time has been spent by already busy staff.

FormSprint allows the use of blank, perforated stock because FormSprint prints the form and data together. Data always appears in the proper place and the form can be archived during processing to make reprints a snap. ICS can even provide the tax form definitions ready to go for a nominal fee. Contact ICS to discuss what you will need to print your tax forms. Follow this link to see samples of the most commonly used tax forms.

Laser Checks

General Applications

Tax Forms

Sample Check

Sample Invoice

Sample Purchase Order

Sample VICS Bill of Lading

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