FormSprint by ICS

General Applications

Users of third-party application programs in particular will appreciate FormSprint's ability to seamlessly reformat variable data as necessary without making changes to application programs. This eliminates the need for custom program modifications, saving time and money, and simplifying program maintenance. With FormSprint you can format standard spool file data to meet your business requirements.

Many FormSprint users have integrated FormSprint with major third-party packages including:

  • J D Edwards
  • SAP
  • Infor XA
  • Infinium
  • Fidelity Horizon
  • Lawson
  • JBA
  • Movex
  • HTE
  • New World
  • CIMS
  • Artesia Data Systems
  • Jack Henry & Associates
  • BPCS
  • Computer Associates
  • HBOC
  • Retalix
  • IBAX

Laser Checks

Bar Codes

Tax Forms

Sample Check

Sample Invoice

Sample Purchase Order

Sample VICS Bill of Lading

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FormSprint...It just works!

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  Copyright © 2009 Integrated Custom Software, Inc.